Sunday, April 19, 2009


Ahhh.... the puppies.

Tuffy had her puppies April 2nd, so they're just over two weeks. I never imagined they would be so cute! Seven in all, two girls and five boys. I have never had so much testosterone in my house, kind of crazy!

I call them the "frat boys", because they are always all over each other looking drunk or passed out. ;)
Check out the blue eyes~ wouldn't it be cool if they stayed? Maken and I got to play with them today for the first time. They are just beginning to walk. They all wanted to snuggle up on her lap, and she was in puppy heaven.

Look at those faces!
This guys been one of the favorites so far. He is the biggest and the only fawn with the same markings as Tuffy. I call him Brutus, because he's a little tank! He looks like a mix between a St. Bernard and a Bulldog.
Awe, tell me you're not in love?

Saturday, March 7, 2009

A Quick Catch-Up

Ok, I know it's been a while, so there is a lot to catch up on. Last time I posted was for Aydin's birthday, so since then we had Chad birthday, my birthday, all the holidays, Makena's birthday and so on... ;) Yep, it's been a little busy. My new little niece was just born the other day. She is so cute and if you could see her hair! I don't think she's human, she's more like a little monkey. ;) She is beautiful and we're proud of you, Al.
Took a nice big family sledding day last weekend up in Monte Cristo. Kenny was in town so it was fun to have all the kids together (never happens). I just got a new camera and went a little picture crazy, so I'm surprised I only added these two pictures, but I only had room for so much. We had a lot of fun, though, and the kids all did great. Makena was terrified of the snowmobiles, but as long as she was with daddy things were ok.

Just me playing around with the new camera and thought this picture was cute. :)
Makena in a birthday outfit. This kid is such a ham, I don't know what I'm going to do with her. She is turning into such a funny kid! She just turned 3 going on 17 at least, and FULL of attitude! Do you see the way she is posed? She does stuff like that in every picture. She loves the camera and loves attention. Am I in trouble, or what?

So as I had mentioned in my last post I started a new job in January. Same industry, same type of work, new company. It was a little scary to make the move, but so needed and so relieving. I love this place, they make my job a whole lot easier, and Christina works with me now so it makes it way fun. If you have to work, it's nice to have a good friend by your side to make fun of everyone with. ;) No, we really do work with a lot of great people and it's only up from here!

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Embarking on a New Adventure

So I know I have been a slacker on keeping up with my blog (or anyone elses, for that matter!)lately. So this is my short post, to say that yes, I am still alive and will be back blogging soon! I have actually just taken a new job that I start tomorrow, so while I am a little nervous I am excited to be taking on this new adventure. Wish me luck and stay tuned to find out how it all goes! :)


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Aydin's Birthday

Again, I know I am late on this, but we just finished celebrating this weekend, so thats not too bad. ;) Aydin's birthday was last week, and she had a party a Build-A-Bear over the weekend. I have to say, I was a little skeptical as to how they actually make it a "party", but they did a great job and the kids had tons of fun! We also spent the weekend up in Park City, so here are a couple pictures from that. Oh, and I just had to throw in the video of Makena singing "Barbie Girl", you just gotta love that! :)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


I know, I know, I've been slacking on the blogging thing. I've just been so busy I haven't had a minute to post! Anyways, I know this is late, but here are some Halloween pics. We had fun this year. Aydin was a "spider witch" and Makena was a pirate. They were pretty cute. Aydin had a field trip the day before down to Cornbelly's (Thanksgiving Point). I got to go with the class and we got some really cute pictures. The kids got to pick a pumpkin and see animals on the farm. I didn't realize how much stuff they had down there, it was a really cool place. Her teacher is awesome~ she really knows how to show the kids a good time! :)
Grandma, Ali, Critter, Aydin and KennaLove our spooky pumpkins? And, of course, I ended up carving ALL of them!
What a cute class! :)

Monday, October 20, 2008

My new sweet baby - Mystery Baby 2!

So I saw this on a friends' blog (thanks, Kim) and had to try it out. Well, maybe it's a good thing we don't have boys, 'cause he might look like this! ha ha! I'll stick to my girls. The funniest part of this, though, is the ears. Check them out~ see how they are different? Well, as I'm sure you are laughing at this, it's funnier to me because Makena's ears look EXACTLY like these ones~ different sizes and all! So maybe there is some truth here, afterall... ;)

What do you think about my little new baby Mystery Baby 2? - What will your baby look like?

Friday, October 17, 2008

Winter in October

I know, I'm a little late on the snow post, but I have to get mine in. Yes, Sunday morning we woke up to about 4 inches of snow. And, I'm a little embarrassed to admit, but I LOVED IT! ;) I don't know what's happening to me, I used to despise cold weather, but lately I've been so excited for Winter to be here (Wait, let me rephrase~ I hate the cold. But, if it's going to be cold, it may as well snow!!!). Probably because one of my favorite things to do is nothing, and it's a lot easier to curl up on the couch, wrapped in a blanket by the fire when it's snowing outside. ;) Unfortunately, by the time the kids got to go out and play most of it was melted, but they still had fun with what was left. Although, I have to say I think Tuffy had more fun than everyone. (see video below)Aydin picked out the outfits~ not me!
Makena's "cheese" Having fun :)
What a crew!

Chads Artwork


Photography is a big part of Chad's life. He takes the most amazing pictures. Mostly landscapes, but he does a variety of everything. I am so proud of his work. For Christmas, I put together a portfolio of some of his favorites. I couldn't fit them all, but here is a view of some of his black and whites. He has a gift for capturing beauty in some of the most peculiar places.

Aydin Smith Look-alike Meter

Makena Smith Look-alike Meter